Visualeyed - About

We believe in the power of data as a tool for understanding reality.

We find the patterns and the connections that matter.

We shape complexity to make information more accessible to everyone.

We try to connect people with new perspectives and knowledge. But to find the right answers, you have to ask the right questions.
That’s why we love to explore data and news with the aim of turning them into meaningful informative experiences, thanks to visualization.

Our projects and the ones we select from around the world provide reliable information about complex, controversial, multi-faceted topics, in always new immersive and engaging ways.

We turn numbers and facts into stories, and we do it visually.

Dalk & The Visual Agency

About the project

Visualeyed is an online data&visual journalism magazine, which proposes itself as an eye on the web publishing industry.
Launched in 2016, it gathers the best international examples in data visualizations and data storytelling, publishing also original stories from its editors, with one goal in mind: to offer new possibilities and inspiring ways to understand the world around us, by translating its complexity.

About us


Tommaso Guadagni
CEO @Dalk
Sara Piccolomini
Digital Design co-Lead @TheVisualAgency
Francesco Pontiroli
Digital Design co-Lead @TheVisualAgency


Damiano Bacci
Data Journalist @Dalk
Arianna Bertera
Journalist @Dalk
Daniele Pirotta
Data Analyst @Dalk
Daniele Ghisletti
Social media director @Dalk
Daniel Demonteverde
Digital Designer @Dalk
Laura Silvia Battaglia
Award winning Journalist
Marta Fossati
Phd Student @Università degli Studi di Milano
Giorgio Colombo
Federica Farina
Riccardo Piccolo
Lorenzo Buonarosa
Filippo Carpani
Rebecca Callegari
Andrea Miniutti
Daniela Bilanzuoli
Eugenia Durastante
Selena Frasson